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Do You Need Help With Alcohol Abuse and Addiction?

help with alcohol abuse and addiction

Alcohol abuse and addiction is a common problem in Canada, and the rest of the world as well. This is a problem that affects many age groups and income levels, and no part of society is free of this issue. How can you tell if you have a problem with alcohol abuse and addiction though? If you can not stop drinking then this is a good indication that you have a problem and help is needed immediately. There are a number of signs that can indicate you require alcohol abuse or addiction treatment, and if you notice any of these then you need to think about what is going on in your life and reach out for the help that you want and need. Signs of alcohol abuse and addiction include:

  • Experiencing a sense of guilt or shame when you drink.

  • Hiding how much or how often you drink from others.

  • Lying about your drinking habits to friends and family.

  • Feeling an urge to drink that is strong, especially when you are stressed or uptight.

  • Drinking alcohol every day or almost every day.

  • Drinking until you pass out.

  • Blackouts or a loss of memory when you drink.

  • Legal problems caused by your drinking habits, such as being arrested for DUI or for fighting or assault because of your drinking.

  • Financial difficulties because of the money that you spend on alcoholic products.

If you need help with alcohol abuse or addiction there are treatment programs available that can help you turn your life around, but you can not receive help if you are not willing to take it.  

What is Standing in the Way of Your Alcohol Rehab Success?

alcohol rehab success,  obstacles to alcohol rehab success

Alcohol rehab success can be achieved, but there are many obstacles that stand in the way of an individual with an alcohol addiction. Only professional substance abuse treatment that eliminates all of the contributing factors will lead to a complete recovery and alcohol rehab success. There are a number of hurdles that someone with an alcohol addiction may throw up and many excuses that may be given for why alcohol addiction treatment should not be started just yet. Unfortunately a majority of people do not achieve alcohol rehab success on the first try, and it may take several attempts before you finally reach a true recovery and take your life back.

Some of the top obstacles to alcohol rehab success and the most common reasons for continuing alcohol addiction include:

  • Not being attentive- One of the biggest obstacles to alcohol rehab success is trying to skate by without contributing during group and counseling sessions. If you do not become actively involved in your recovery and treatment program then you may be sabotaging yourself.

  • Not having a positive attitude- A negative attitude can be a big obstacle to alcohol rehab success. This type of attitude causes the individual to waste time and energy on fighting treatment rather than trying to work with the program and recover.

  • Distractions and outside interference- For alcohol rehab success you must be focused on your treatment goals, and if there are outside distractions and interference then this will not happen. If you have family problems or work struggles then you are concerned about these issues and not fully focused on treatment and recovery.   

3 Factors That Have a Big Impact on Substance Abuse and Addiction

substance abuse and addiction

One of the most frequently asked questions about substance abuse and addiction is why some people become addicted quickly but others may never reach this stage, and there are 3 factors that play a role in substance abuse and addiction. There is not just one factor or cause for this problem, a combination of factors are all involved in determining whether substance abuse leads to addiction or not. The 3 biggest factors that determine whether addiction develops include:

Biology and Genetic Predisposition- Biological and genetic factors can predispose an individual to substance abuse and addiction. A history of substance abuse or addiction in a family can make an individual more likely to engage in this behavior and experience problems with addiction.

The Environment- The environment can influence substance abuse and addiction just as much as biology and genes will. If a person grows up in a family where substance abuse is accepted then the person believes that this behavior is normal and they are more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol and suffer from addiction.

Developmental Considerations-The development stage of an individual will also help determine whether or not substance abuse and addiction become a problem. If substance abuse occurs at one of the critical developmental stages then addiction is more likely to happen. Teens are more likely to experience substance abuse and addiction because their brains are still growing and developing, and this is also why teens tend to make poor choices and engage in risky behavior.