(855) 778-6444

 There are several factors that are essential with drug treatment programs, and if these are not available then you could end up relapsing right after you leave the program. The 5 most important factors with drug treatment programs are:

  • Location- You need to find drug treatment programs that are not conveniently located to the city where your drug use occurs and where you live. If it is difficult and expensive to leave treatment then you are more likely to stick it out.

  • Cost- The price charged for services will need to be affordable and within your budget, but that does not mean you should only look at the cheapest drug treatment programs.

  • Treatment Methods Offered- Individual counseling is a must if you are going to work through the issues causing the drug use and actually recover. Drug treatment programs that do not offer individual counseling will be less effective in most cases. Group therapy and other methods should also be offered.

  • Recovery Tools Provided- Look for programs that offer a wide range of recovery tools which can help you manage stress and negative emotions without relapsing and going back to the old ways.

  • Staff- If the staff at the chosen drug treatment programs are not caring and compassionate then this could affect the outcome of your treatment. When the staff actually cares about your recovery you are far more likely to succeed and less tempted to leave the facility before you are ready to face the outside world again.