(855) 778-6444

Sober Living at the Crossing Point

Not Currently Available -Sober Living at an Addiction Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program in Kelowna BC, offering recovery from alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sex addiction and mental health issues.

Phase One Sober living is available after an individual has successfully completed a minimum 60 day in-patient treatment program. Individuals coming from other treatment programs need to provide verification of program they attended.  When there is a break in between treatment and sober living, we will require you to have an assessment done to see if you qualify for sober living.

The Crossing Points sober living is unique in that we provide a continuum of treatment while you are in sober living.  Sober living is connected to our treatment facility, which you will continue to attend some in house meetings, and continue with your counselling sessions at a decreasing degree. Clients are encouraged to utilize our resource library, containing development DVD’s, Cd’s and books, as they to continue to work and take responsibility for their own sobriety. Drug and alcohol testing will periodical be completed to insure a drug and alcohol free environment.

Rooms are private, with double beds.  Bathrooms are shared with one other. There is a  shared kitchen and 2 living room areas.

Sober living phases may be completed in a minimum of 60 days, per phase. Please call 1-855-778-6444 for additional details.

Phase One: Intensive Sober Living

  • 24 hour staff onsite
  • One private counselling session per week
  • Four group sessions per week
  • Random drug / Alcohol testing
  • Includes 2 meals per week, encouraging socializing with other recovering individuals.
  • Required to attend 4 recovery meetings per week
  • Required to obtain part or full time employment, schooling, or a volunteer position within first 21 days. If unable to do so we will require documented proof of attempts to do so.

Phase Two, Structured Sober Living

  • 24 hour staff onsite
  • Four private counselling sessions, per 60 Days.
  • Two group sessions per week
  • Random drug / Alcohol testing
  • Includes 1 meal per week, encouraging socializing with other recovering individuals.
  • Required to attend 3 recovery meetings per week
  • Required to be working, volunteering or in school part or full time.
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What are our offerings?
Do we have video testimonials?
What courses are offered?