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5 Coping Tips to Help A Loved One With A Mental Disorder

mental disorder, coping tips

1.One of the most effective coping tips for helping a loved one who has a mental disorder is to remember that these conditions can not be cured. There are treatments that can help but there is no cure available for a mental disorder right now.

2. Take care of yourself. Those who have a loved one with mental illness can find themselves run ragged and worn out if they are not careful. You must take care of yourself before you can be a caretaker for someone with a mental disorder.

3. Reasoning with someone who is delusional is pointless. No matter how hard you try to reason a delusion is not going to respond in a rational manner and will not go away just because of reasoning. Don’t try to bring the person back to reality or attempt to ground them to the present situation because this will not work.

4. Separate your loved one from the disorder that they suffer. It is common to feel negative emotions due to the disorder and that is okay. Love the friend or family member even while you hate the disorder that they have and the symptoms that they exhibit.

5. Other coping tips for mental disorders include understanding that no one is to blame and that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Unfortunately mental illness carries a stigma of shame, even though this is a medical condition no different from diabetes or a broken bone. There is nothing to be ashamed about and no one to blame when you have a loved one who has mental illness.

Psychopath Versus Sociopath: Is There a Difference?

psychopath, sociopath, mental disorder

Psychopath and sociopath are so called psychological terms that describe a mental disorder, but do both terms mean the same thing or are they different? Both of these terms describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder, and they are not really used in the psychology literature and research material. Both terms refer to specific personality types, and there are some differences between the two mental disorders. Both forms of personality have little or no regard for the safety or feelings of others, and with both of these personality types deceit, manipulation, and frequent lies. Neither type of personality is always violent, but both types hold the possibility of violence and aggression towards others. Many in the mental health community believe that a psychopath is a personality disorder which is genetic in nature, in other words a psychopath is born this way, while a sociopath is a result of the environment that they were exposed to in childhood.

Both a psychopath and a sociopath will have a mental disorder, but this fact is usually not apparent to anyone except the victims affected by the individual. Both personality types allow the individual to be charming, appealing, and someone that others like and want to be around. This allows them to use and manipulate others easily. Sociopaths tend to be more impulsive when they are committing a crime, with less concern about being caught or the possible consequences of their actions. Psychopaths are usually more careful in the commission of any crimes, so that any risk to the individual is minimized as much as possible.