Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, often called OCD for short, is a serious mental health disorder that can impact every area of life. Someone who has this condition will be preoccupied with order and cleanliness, and with maintaining control every second. This comes at the expense of being open, flexible, and even efficient. Someone with OCD usually has certain rituals that must be followed, and making common every day decisions can be excruciating. While the exact causes of obsessive compulsive disorder are not yet fully understood most professionals believe that this condition is caused by a variety of factors that can include genetics, biology, social development and other social factors, and psychological factors that can be different with each individual. There is not one single factor that can be blamed, instead the condition is caused by a combination of factors combined.
Some of the symptoms for obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD include:
A preoccupation with order, details, and rules and lists. This preoccupation is so severe that the entire point of the event or activity is lost.
Perfectionism that causes interference with completing tasks, with standards that are overly strict or even impossible for most people to meet.
Inflexibility and stubbornness, insisting that others do things according to the exact rules and expectations of the OCD sufferer. This usually makes the individual reluctant to work with other people or to delegate even small tasks to someone else.
An inability to get rid of things that are no longer useful or needed, even if these items have no practical or sentimental value.