(855) 778-6444


Answers for Addiction Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program in Kelowna BC, near me offering recovery from alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sex addiction and mental health issues
Q. What is the mission statement of The Crossing Point Treatment Centre?

Transforming lives of individuals and families one life at a time by integrating the brightest minds and best practices to create personal wellness and remove the stigma associated to addictions for the betterment of our community. The Crossing Point is committed to making our community stronger.

Q. What is The Crossing Point’ philosophy of addiction treatment?

Our treatment methods are supported by evidence-based research and are proven to be most effective in treating addictions. We offer a motivational, solution-focused group therapy approach with an emphasis on self-determination, where the client takes responsibility for his/her own life and recovery. We believe addiction cannot be addressed with one-dimensional interventions. Social, spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual are all important aspects needing to be considered. Clients are taught coping skills in each of these areas to help sustain their recovery, even when temporary setbacks occur.

Q. How do I contact The Crossing Point?

You may reach us by phone at (250) 860-4001 or Toll Free  1-866-413-3667;  Contact Us by Email

Q. Do I need a referral for The Crossing Point?

No referral is required for Self Pay beds. However, a physician must complete the Medical Form portion of the Application for Admission to ensure the appropriateness of your admission request.

Q. What are Self Pay Services?

The Crossing Point offers a number of services that are not government subsidized and, therefore, are considered Self Pay Services. These include Residential Treatment, individual, group, couple, and family counselling, and Employee Assistance Services. Our Self Pay Services generally have shorter wait times, fewer eligibility restrictions, and more flexibility. These services may be applicable for those who reside out of province, require immediate entry, want to extend their treatment stay, or prefer more private or upgraded accommodations. They may also be suitable for companies or businesses that want to effectively address addiction issues in the workplace. Clients accessing Self Pay Services participate in the same quality treatment programs as other clients; however, there are more options available to create services that specifically meet the needs of the individual(s) involved.

Q. What is the cost for Withdrawal Management Services (Detox)?

The cost for clients that do not qualify for the public-ally funded beds is $425.00 per day. The usual length of stay in the Withdrawal Management  facility is between seven and ten days, depending on what substance the client is withdrawing from. Many clients who enter Withdrawal Management Services arrange in advance to enter Residential Treatment.

Q. Is there any way I can obtain assistance to pay for the cost?

Our intake staff are trained to assist you in obtaining funding for Treatment. Please consult with them if you have any questions, or need any assistance. We would also like you to be aware that many Health Care Plans and Employee Assistance Programs will assist you in the payment of Treatment costs.

Q. Is your program based on 12 Step principles?           

Our programming, based in best practices, does take into consideration many of the proven principles of many other systems. However, we do offer several, optional 12 step meetings a week, at the facility, for those that are interested.

Q. Are there any medications prohibited at The Crossing Point?

There are no restrictions on prescribed medications. The Prescription portion of the Application may be completed by a physician and forwarded to our office. However, clients may also come with a written prescription from their physician for any medications they may need to take during their stay. All prescriptions must be filled at our local pharmacy,  to ensure that they are packaged according to our requirements.  Please contact our Intake & Admissions office for more information.

Q. Which addictions are treated at The Crossing Point?

Our program is designed primarily to address alcohol and drug addictions, although the importance of other co-existing addictions is recognized.

Q. Do you accept clients with mental health issues?

Yes. Our counsellors are fully trained and qualified to assist clients in addressing their mental health concerns. Referrals to appropriate services are made, if necessary.

Q. Can I leave the facility during treatment?

At The Crossing Point, we strive to ensure that the facility is relatively secure by having staff present at all times, locked doors throughout the facility, and security protocols. However. During their first several weeks, clients are not permitted to leave the facility unless authorized by their counsellor and accompanied by a staff member or senior client.

Q. Will my participation in the program be kept confidential?

It is a high priority to us that your stay at The Crossing Point is kept confidential. Our staff will not disclose your presence, or release any information to another party, without your consent as authorized by your signature on a Release of Information form.

The only exceptions are:

i. A client has disclosed that he/she has harmed a child, has intention to harm a child, or state that he/she is about to commit a criminal offense.

ii. A client has disclosed that he/she intends to harm him/herself, or someone else.

iii. A client has disclosed that he/she is unlawfully at large, and/or when police produce a warrant for his/her arrest to The Crossing Point’ staff.

iv. The Crossing Point’ personnel receive a subpoena for a client to attend court, or be a witness in court. In this case, only the required information stated on the subpoena will be released, which in some cases may include client files.

Q. Is drug testing done at The Crossing Point Treatment Centre?

Random drug testing is conducted at The Crossing Point on occasion to ensure the safety of clients in the facility. The use of drugs and alcohol is prohibited during the treatment program.

Q. If I leave Treatment early, do I get a refund on my fee?

The Crossing Point offers the assurance of good value for your investment. As is common practice in the addiction field, paid fees are non-refundable. Payment is your commitment to your program of recovery, and to The Crossing Point. There are ‘no refunds on recovery’. It’s an all or nothing process. However, unlike most treatment centers, at The Crossing Point, should a guest not complete the program, for any reason, we will issue a credit. The credit is for the unused portion of the payment, which can then be applied to a new, full program, for a fresh start at any time in the next 12 months. This is our commitment, and guarantee to you.

Q. Is it a mixed gender/co-ed program?

The Crossing Point Treatment Center accepts both men and women for our Treatment Program and Withdrawal Management Services. However, the residences for men and women in the Treatment Program are separate, and thus they do all programming in their respective buildings. In Detox, the men and women have separate bedrooms, but they share a common area.

Q. Do I need a period of abstinence before admission to Treatment?                                         

The Crossing Point has an on site withdrawal management team so detoxification can be done safely here, which means clean time prior to admissions is not required. In some circumstances, after assessment upon arrival, clients may require detoxification, or further medical testing before beginning treatment. Please be aware that you may be charged extra fees should you require withdrawal intervention.

Q. How long has The Crossing Point been providing treatment services?                                                 

The Crossing Point has been in business for over 10 years serving those suffering in addiction locally, provincially and nationally.