Christmas, substance abuse recovery
The Christmas season can be a difficult time if you are going through substance abuse recovery, but this does not mean that you have to relapse. This season is a time of happiness and excitement for children but for some adults it can be stressful and hard to get through because of all the extra preparations, shopping, entertaining, and parties that occur. Few people get through the Christmas season without a few mental dings and a whole lot of stress, but this does not mean that you have to give up on your substance abuse recovery. During the tough holiday season you can stay on your road to recovery with a little advance planning, some smart choices, and plenty of support from those who want to see you sober and still in recovery.
Christmas is often a time of joy and of sadness, because you may remember loved ones who are gone and dear friends who are no longer with you. Substance abuse recovery is the best tribute you can give, both to yourself and to others. Many people relapse during this time of year because there is often alcohol at the holiday parties and other events, and everyone seems to be having a good time. It is normal to want to be like everyone else and enjoy the event but if you are in substance abuse recovery and you drink or use drugs you could set yourself back to square one. Make it a point to avoid events where you would be expected to drink, even if it is just a toast with a glass of champagne.