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How Common is Alcohol Abuse in Canada?

alcohol abuse in Canada, alcohol addiction

alcohol abuse in Canada, alcohol addiction


Alcohol abuse in Canada is very common unfortunately, in spite of the many steps taken by the government to lower the drinking rate and combat underage and excessive drinking. A study performed by CAMH, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, found that Canadian citizens drink more than the rest of the global population by half, or 50% above the average rate around the world. The author of the study, CAMH’s Social and Epidemiological Research Department Director Dr. Jürgen Rehm, explained that “The burden of disease and injury is measured when someone dies prematurely or before the life expectancy in a certain country. Most of the harm and most of the death happens to people who drink more than three drinks a day, or someone who is drinking four or more drinks on a single occasion.”

According to Dr. Rehm the highest rate of alcohol abuse in Canada and alcohol addiction by population was those between 15 years old and 29 years old. The study author also pointed out that alcohol abuse is ranked #3 when it comes to cause of death around the world. Other research has shown that around 4% of the population of Canada aged 15 years old or older have an alcohol addiction. Males in the young adult age group are 200% more likely than females to engage in alcohol abuse. Someone who is a heavy drinker has a higher risk for more than 200 different diseases and conditions, and they are more likely to die at a younger age.


Are Sex Addiction and Drug Addiction Similar?

sex addiction, drug addiction

sex addiction, drug addiction


A new study at the University of Cambridge shows that sex addiction and drug addiction have similar brain activity. The study found that individuals with a sex addiction who view pornography experience brain activity that is very similar to the brain activity caused by drug use for individuals who have a drug addiction. The researchers found that the number of people with a sex addiction can be as high as 1 in 25, and this is a considerable amount of the population. The study involved 19 patients who all suffered with sex addiction, and the brain activity of the study participants were compared to brain activity from healthy subjects without sex addiction or drug addiction issues. The male study subjects were shown a video series that involved either sports programs or sexually explicit content.

University of Cambridge Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellow Dr. Valerie Voon stated “The patients in our trial were all people who had substantial difficulties controlling their sexual behavior and this was having significant consequences for them, affecting their lives and relationships. In many ways, they show similarities in their behavior to patients with drug addictions. We wanted to see if these similarities were reflected in brain activity, too.” Voon went on to say “There are clear differences in brain activity between patients who have compulsive sexual behavior and healthy volunteers. These differences mirror those of drug addicts. Whilst these findings are interesting, it’s important to note, however, that they could not be used to diagnose the condition. Nor does our research necessarily provide evidence that these individuals are addicted to porn — or that porn is inherently addictive. Much more research is required to understand this relationship between compulsive sexual behavior and drug addiction.”