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5 Relapse Prevention Tips for Drug Addiction and Alcohol Abuse

relapse prevention tips, drug addiction, alcohol abuse

1. Avoid Medications with High Abuse Potential- One of the most common relapse prevention tips for drug addiction and alcohol abuse is to avoid any medications that may be habit forming or that have a high addiction potential unless these drugs are absolutely necessary. Many people who have a substance abuse problem may trade one substance for another, and these medications have a high potential for abuse and addiction.

2. Change Your Habits and Hangouts- Find new friends and new places to spend your time. One of the biggest causes of relapse is slipping back into old habits, and going to the same places or hanging out with the same crowd can cause a relapse to occur.

3. Find Sober Activities and Substance Free Events- Recovering from drug addiction or alcohol abuse does not mean staying locked up in your home, but you must be careful about the events and activities that you take part in. Find sober activities and substance free events to stay social without risking a relapse at the same time.

4. Create a Support Network-Your support network can not be too large, and you should make sure that this network includes people and organizations that you can contact 24/7 when you are feeling low or need encouragement to stay on the road to recovery.

5. Know When and Where 12 Step Meetings are Held in Your Local Area- 12 step meetings can help you avoid temptation, and many cities and areas have places which hold this meetings frequently. In larger cities it is possible to find these meetings 7 days a week, and that can be beneficial if you feel a relapse coming on.

Hopefully these relapse prevention tips for drug addiction and alcohol abuse help you stay sober and reinforce your recovery goals.


When It Comes to Alcohol Abuse do 12 Step Programs Work?

alcohol abuse, 12 step program

12 step programs are often used for individuals who have alcohol abuse or addiction problems, but how effective are these programs and do they actually work? Every individual is different, and will consume alcohol in different amounts and for different reasons. 12 step programs involve a series of steps intended to help a recovering alcoholic work their way back to permanent sobriety, and these programs include a belief in a higher power. Christian alcohol abuse treatment programs also involve a belief in god, but these also address the underlying causes of the alcohol abuse on an individual case with many programs. 12 step programs can be highly effective for some individuals but others may not get the same results because of the lack of individual counseling that is involved.

The specific 12 step program being considered may offer significant help if you have a problem with alcohol abuse or addiction, or you may find that the expected recovery never materializes no matter how many meetings you attend. If you have an issue with alcohol abuse or addiction then you want a program that actually works, and you should consider a facility that provides inpatient care at first and individual counseling sessions several times a week. A 12 step program is best used after leaving inpatient treatment for most individuals who need help for alcohol abuse or drug addiction. The inpatient facility can help you through the initial detox and recovery, and then a 12 step program can ensure that you stay on the right road to recovery once you are back home again.

The Pros and Cons of Individual Counseling For Drug Addiction Treatment

drug addiction treatment, alcohol abuse, individual counseling

Individual counseling for drug addiction treatment and alcohol abuse is one of the most effective methods available today to fight substance abuse. One on one counseling has many benefits that make it a superior choice to other methods, but there are also some drawbacks as well. Before you decide on the best drug addiction treatment or alcohol abuse program it is important to know what the pros and cons of individual counseling sessions are.

The Drug Addiction Treatment Benefits of Individual Counseling

Drug addiction treatment is not available in a one size fits all model that actually works, because each individual will have different reasons for their substance abuse that need to be addressed before a full and complete recovery can be reached. Invisible wounds and hidden traumas vary, and each person may have different reasons for turning to drugs or alcohol. Individual sessions allow the user to work through their unique issues so that they can start to heal.

Drawbacks with One on One Sessions in Drug Addiction Treatment

The only drawback with individual counseling for drug addiction treatment or alcohol abuse is the cost involved. Since a professional is needed for each individual the cost can be much higher for an individual session than it is for a group session. Drug addiction treatment programs that provide one on one counseling will usually cost more, but in the end you will usually see superior results for the higher price and this can help you quit any substance abuse and get back on the right track faster.

Surprising Alcohol Abuse Statistics for Women

alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction treatment

Alcohol abuse affects almost all age and income levels, and there are some surprising statistics that many people are not aware of. In the USA alone between 12 million and 14 million people over the age of 21 use alcohol on a regular basis. Treatment for alcohol addiction can be found in all types, but a large percentage of people do not believe that they have a problem or that they need help and addiction treatment. The drinking habits of men and women are usually different, and many women choose wine as their alcoholic beverage of choice. Men tend to use beer or hard liquor instead of wine, but both sexes have seen an increase in alcohol consumption and binge drinking. This includes adults over the age of 40, a time when many are well established in life and have a lot to lose with an alcohol addiction.

The elderly are also a big concern because many in this population suffer from alcohol addiction as well. Roughly 10% of women who were between 40 years old and 64 years old reported binge drinking at least once in the last month, and the most common answer was three episodes of binge drinking within the last 30 days. This is the same rate that college aged women abuse alcohol, and it shows that all age groups are at risk. Alcohol abuse can lead to a higher risk of being victimized for women, and binge drinking is especially harmful to the body and internal organs. The Crossing Point has effective alcohol addiction treatment programs for all ages and both sexes, because we understand which methods work and lead to success.


Do You Have a Problem With Alcohol? Take this Quiz to Find Out!

alcohol abuse


  1. Does alcohol interfere with your job or school attendance?

  2. Do you drink alcohol in order to gain confidence in order to interact with others?

  3. Does your alcohol use occur when you are alone?

  4. Has your consumption of alcohol harmed your business or personal reputation?

  5. Do friends and family comment on your drinking or try to get you to stop using alcohol?

  6. Have you ever been arrested because of alcohol use?

  7. Has alcohol ever caused you to harm someone else?

  8. Does your drinking create tension in your home life and family unit?

  9. Do you regret your alcohol use at times?

  10. Have you ever blacked out or lost track of time because of alcohol consumption?

  11. Does alcohol cause financial difficulties for you?

  12. Do you feel compelled to use alcohol at specific times of the day?

  13. Do you find it difficult to go without a drink for an entire day?

  14. Has alcohol use caused you to be hospitalized?

  15. Does alcohol provide an escape from problems or stress?

  16. Has alcohol use caused you to have less motivation or ambition?

  17. Do you have legal problems caused by your alcohol consumption?

  18. Does your alcohol use interfere with the welfare of your family?


If you have answered yes to at least 3 of these questions then alcohol abuse or addiction treatment is needed. Alcoholism occurs when this substance is causing harm to your life or to your loved ones yet you continue to drink. The Crossing Point offers effective alcohol abuse and addiction treatment that is affordable and effective. We can help you recover and stop the drinking so you can look forward to a brighter future.