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Common Eating Disorders Can be Deadly Without Treatment

common eating disorders, treatment

Common eating disorders can be deadly without treatment, and there are several disorders that can have a negative effect on you both mentally and physically. Anorexia nervosa involves excessive weight loss, obsessive exercise, and other methods that are used to ensure that the individual stays at an abnormally low body weight. When you starve yourself or exercise way too much this can affect your internal organs and nutrition. In some cases this eating disorder has caused death, and it can be difficult to treat and it is considered the deadliest out of all the eating disorders although not the only one that can be fatal. Bulimia nervosa is another disorder that centers around food, and this disorder is often called binge and purge. If you suffer from bulimia then you will frequently overeat, and then force yourself to vomit or use laxatives in order to eliminate all of the calories that you have consumed.

Common eating disorders also include binge eating or compulsive overeating. Unlike most of the other eating disorders this often results in weight gain, and it can be just as deadly due to the risks associated with obesity. These individuals use food to help them cope with negative emotions, and they may consume thousands of calories and large quantities of food in a single setting. Night eating syndrome is less common than other eating disorders but it can still be a big problem. If you have this syndrome then you will wake during the night, often more than once, and be unable to go back to sleep unless you eat.  

What is an Executive Rehab?

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An executive rehab is a substance abuse treatment program that is designed to meet the unique needs that executives and others with high pressure daily responsibilities face. An executive or professional like a doctor or lawyer often can not just walk away for a month or more, and severe all contact with the outside world while they are working on their recovery. In addition those in a position of power of power have very high stress levels because of their career, and this can make staying sober especially challenging once the substance abuse treatment program is complete and the individual leaves the executive rehab. Executives and small business owners may face constant deadlines, high expectations from clients, and daily stresses that can be overwhelming at times, and the executive must learn how to relieve these stresses on a regular basis in order to prevent a relapse.

Choosing an executive rehab means paying more for the substance abuse treatment program, but the advantages and benefits of this type of program make the cost well worth it. Typical rehabs that are run by government entities or charities are usually crowded, with stressful environments and a limited range of techniques and treatment methods offered. An executive rehab is a program that eliminates these issues, with a very diverse range of methods and techniques available. One on one counseling sessions are also provided by the best substance abuse treatment programs because this method is highly effective. The special needs and considerations that executives have make this type of program the best choice for a permanent recovery.  

If you are looking for our Executive Program Visit ValiantRecovery.com

Pilots Need Substance Abuse Treatment More Often Than You May Think

substance abuse treatment, pilots need substance abuse treatment

Pilots need substance abuse treatment far more often than many people may imagine, in fact statistics show that pilots have substance abuse issues comparable to the general population. Approximately 11% of pilots involved in some type of mishap or accident tested positive for some type of substance. This statistic can be a scary thought for anyone who flies the friendly skies. Many airlines do drug screen, but this is often done only for cause. This means that there has to be suspicion of substance abuse before the pilot is asked to take the test. In recent years news stories have highlighted pilots who have shown up for work drunk or under the influence of other drugs that cause impairment. These professionals may hesitate to admit they need help for many reasons.

Pilots need substance abuse treatment if they struggle with alcohol or drug use, but many never seek this type of help. Since these professionals are strictly regulated there may be concern that the pilot will be grounded and not allowed to fly. When a pilot is impaired this places everyone at risk, but if confidentiality can not be guaranteed this can be an obstacle to seeking treatment. The right rehab program for these professionals will provide needed support while protecting the privacy of the client. One interesting fact is that the most common drug found when pilots are tested was marijuana, which can slow down thinking and cause problems with concentration. If you are a pilot who needs substance abuse treatment, or you know someone who is, then there is confidential help available.  

Why is Nutritional Counseling Needed During Substance Abuse Recovery?

substance abuse recovery, nutritional counseling

A substance abuse recovery program should be designed to help you recover from the addiction that you have as well as other related issues, one of which is typically poor nutrition. Each substance commonly abused will take a toll on you physically, and the effects can vary widely depending on the drugs that are being abused. Poor nutrition can contribute to substance abuse and impair your ability to recover, so nutritional counseling should be provided to help you learn to eat right and take care of yourself properly. One of the most common relapse triggers is feeling poorly, and this can be caused by a lack of nutrients and improper nutrition. It is important to learn what foods can trigger cravings and what foods your body needs to build itself back up, so you feel good and you are in the best possible physical condition.

Substance abuse recovery is a healing process, and proper nutrition can help speed up the process and get you back to your old self faster. Many people have never been taught about the right types of foods and the essential nutrients that are needed by the body to function properly. Substance abuse can interfere with the nutrients that are consumed, as well as your body’s ability to absorb nutrition. Some substances may prevent your body from using nutrients properly, even if you are eating the right foods in your diet. In order to achieve substance abuse recovery you may need nutritional counseling as well as other treatment components.


What are Bath Salts and Who Uses These Dangerous Drugs?

bath salts, designer drugs

Bath salts are dangerous drugs, and they are used by a variety of people from many different age and income groups. Bath salts are designer drugs, so they are created in a laboratory setting, and these substances can cause hallucinations and they have a stimulant effect on the user as well. When the designer drugs were first produced they were not technically illegal under the laws at the time, but that has changed and today bath salts are illegal to use in the USA and Canada. The term bath salts is commonly used for these man made substances because they resemble the bath products that people use in the tub, and bath salts are usually found in a white crystal or powder form although the color may vary.

Bath salts are designer drugs that are bad news for anyone who uses them. There have been news reports of individuals under the influence of bath salts who have attacked, seriously injured, or even killed innocent people. There are a number of ways that bath salts are used. The drug may be snorted as a powder, placed in a capsule or paper package and swallowed, smoked, or dissolved in liquid and injected or swallowed. Bath salt users may become extremely agitated, act violently towards others, have hallucinations, and become paranoid. The user may also seem to be stronger than normal because of their mental instability and the stimulant effect that bath salts have. There is no clear cut definition of who uses bath salts because users come from many different age and income levels.