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Recovery Tips for Binge Eating Disorder

binge eating disorder, eating disorders

Obesity is becoming a big problem in North America, and many people suffer from binge eating disorder without realizing that they need help and that this disorder can be effectively treated. Binge eating disorder occurs for many of the same reasons that other eating disorders and compulsive behaviors do. You may eat because you are emotionally upset, or food may be your comfort when you are under a lot of stress or life is going poorly. Usually binge eating disorder causes you to gain weight, but dieting is not the answer to your dilemma because the binge eating pattern will continue without the right treatment program and methods. Eating disorders can be very difficult to treat in some cases, because many treatment programs do not offer individual counseling to help the person with the disorder work through all of the causes.

Some recovery tips for binge eating disorder and other eating disorder types include:

  • Take your recovery one day at a time, and realize that there may be relapses along your journey to wellness.

  • A strong support network will help you get through the rough times without sliding backwards.

  • If you do relapse don’t look back, move forward instead. Accept that you slipped but don’t obsess over the relapse.

  • Avoid temptation whenever possible. Stock your home with healthy foods, that way if you do binge you are not consuming thousands of calories in one sitting.

  • Understand what your specific triggers are, whether this is stress, negative emotional states, or other triggers.   

Is Sex Addiction Caused by the Internet?

sex addiction, sex addiction treatment, Internet

Sex addiction seems to be on the rise in North America, and many wonder if this increase is caused by the Internet. The answer is not a simple yes or no. Since the invention of the Internet pornography is widely available, and some of it is violent and degrading. The root causes of a sex addiction are often similar to those of substance abuse and other compulsive issues. These causes may be different for each person but often an inability to deal with stress or difficult situations causes a person to engage in compulsive behavior. This may take the form of a gambling addiction, sex addiction, or substance abuse. In most cases a sex addiction is not truly about sex, it is about the psychological issues which manifest into risky or excessive sexual behavior and activities.

The Internet is not responsible for sex addiction, but the availability of sexual content has made the Internet the place that many people who have a sex addiction turn to. Sometimes people become addicted to being online, but that does not make the Internet the reason for the addiction. If you or someone that you know may have a sex addiction then you should seek professional help immediately. There are treatment programs that can help you overcome this problem and lead a normal life once more. Compulsive behavior can damage your work, your family and other close relationships, your financial situation, and even your health or your life in some situations. There are sex addiction treatment programs which are highly effective that can offer a permanent recovery.


Important Facts About Compulsive Gambling

Compulsive gambling is a very real problem, one that usually requires professional help. There are some facts about this condition that everyone should understand. If you have a compulsive gambling problem then this will impact every area of your life, and it can create a devastating cycle that only ends when you are ruined in every way if you do not seek professional help. For some individuals the act of gambling can stimulate the same area of the brain that cause drug or alcohol abuse, and this is the considered the reward center in the brain. When the reward center is stimulated you feel pleasure and this leads to addiction, whether you are using a substance or engaging in other activities. The only way to stop this addiction is with professional treatment that addresses the specific causes in each situation.

There are many symptoms that can indicate a problem with compulsive gambling. These symptoms include:

  • Frequent financial problems due to gambling losses. When you gamble money that you can not afford to lose, like your mortgage money or grocery money needed to feed your family, then you may have a compulsive gambling problem.

  • Frequently lying about gambling or the money that was lost is another indication that you need help.

  • If you try to borrow money from friends and family in order to keep gambling then this activity is a problem and help is needed.

  • Stealing in order to fuel your compulsive gambling and addiction is another sign that there is a problem you need to address.

There is help for compulsive gambling, and professional treatment can help you get your life back on track!


New Medical Study Uses Ketamine Nasal Spray to Treat Major Depressive Disorder

ketamine nasal spray, treatment resistant major depressive disorder, medical study

A new medical study is using Ketamine nasal spray as a treatment for major depressive disorder which has been resistant to other forms of treatment. The research study was conducted by New York’s Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the study results have been published in the Biological Psychiatry online journal. The Ketamine nasal spray study involved 20 participants, and these participants received either ketamine nasal spray or saline nasal spray for 2 days. The study used double blind crossover methods to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the results. After receiving the drug or saline placebo study participants were asked to complete the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale so that any changes in the severity of the depression could be noted.

The goal of the ketamine nasal spray medical study was to determine whether this drug could be used to treat individuals who have treatment resistant major depressive disorder. The results of the study were very promising. Out of 20 participants only 18 completed the two days of treatment. Of these 18 people only 1 in the saline group showed an improvement in depression severity. 8 individuals in the ketamine nasal spray group showed an improvement in the severity of their depression. According to James W. Murrough, M.D. “One of the primary effects of ketamine in the brain is to block the NMDA [N-methyl-d-aspartate] glutamate receptor. There is an urgent clinical need for new treatments for depression with novel mechanisms of action. With further research and development, this could lay the groundwork for using NMDA targeted treatments for major depressive disorder.”

4 Good Reasons to Pay Cash for Substance Abuse Treatment

pay cash for substance abuse treatment, rehab facilities

1. If you pay cash for substance abuse treatment then you can choose the right facility and program for your needs, without having to worry that your insurance company will not cover the cost of your program. Some of the top rated rehab facilities are not covered by most health insurance plans but they offer the best hope for a permanent recovery.

2. Complete confidentiality is offered when you pay cash for substance abuse treatment. There are no records kept by your insurance company about your rehab treatment, only you and the chosen program or facility need to know that you are undergoing substance abuse treatment. This can be especially important if you have a high profile job or you are a professional or executive.

3. Better treatment options and more choices can be found when you pay cash for substance abuse treatment. Luxury rehabs may offer more effective methods like individual counseling sessions. These are important for a permanent recovery but the cost can be high. Typical government and charity programs for substance abuse do not offer many choices, and patients leave with a high relapse risk as a result.

4. A faster recovery is possible when a substance abuse treatment program is chosen that offers a peaceful environment and low stress levels. Paying cash for substance abuse treatment means that you can choose a facility that has fewer patients, and this means more individual attention so recovery can be reached in less time. There are no crowded environments to cause stress and interfere with your full recovery.